Imperativo Afirmativo
* É formado pelo infinitivo sem a partícula to. O sujeito (YOU) fica subentendido.
Exemples: Eat your sandwich!
Read the book!
Bring me a chair!
Imperativo Negativo
* É formado pelo auxiliar do + not = don't
Exemples: Do not (don't) eat your sandwich!
Do not (don't) read the book!
Do not (don't) bring me a chair!
1. Complete the sentences with the imperative forms in the box, as adequate.
Let’s eat | protect | let’s get out |
Save | don’t smoke | let’s go |
do not destroy | don’t eat | don’t waste |
1. The tree is your friend. __________ it.
2. Be a friend of the Earth. __________ the planet.
3. Water is precious. __________ it.
4. This is no-smoking section. Please __________ here.
5. It’s a beautiful day. __________ to the beach.
6. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health. __________ lots of them.
7. Junk food is not good for you. __________ that!
8. Emperor penguins are in danger. __________ them!
9. It’s hot in here. __________ and have a glass of water.